Friday, August 22, 2008


Click HERE to join MoveOn's "Bush & McCain: Can you tell the difference?" Facebook group!

Over 500,000 people have played the Bush-McCain Challenge! Join the "Bush & McCain: Can you tell the difference?" group, and invite ALL of your friends!

Click HERE to join over 60,000 Facebook users in our "I Endorse Barack Obama" Facebook group!

Join the "I Endorse Barack Obama" Facebook group, and invite ALL of your friends!

Sign the card: Get well soon, Senator Kennedy. Click HERE to join the group & sign the card.

Sign the card: Get well soon, Senator Kennedy. Senator John Kerry will PERSONALLY deliver this card to Senator Ted Kennedy.

1 comment:

justamom said...

I've been following your travels on your blog. Here's hoping you scored a seat at Invesco Field for Obama's big night. If so, I am very jealous! Good luck out in Denver. Laurel