Buddha’s Birthday
Elevation: 3925m
Rained all day, although not the downpour variety from a few days’ back; United States Pacific Northwest sort of rained all day. Lots of moss on the trees. Mist and fog floated by. Threat of leeches high, though none sighted.
Knew we were in Sing Gompa because of the cheese factory. It’s not actually a factory, the cheese is made somewhere downhill; it’s just sold at the factory. No use asking additional questions, I’ve found; they don’t translate well. We bought cheese, had lunch at a local teahouse and shoved on after receiving a warning from the proprietor of the teahouse not to stay at the same lodge as the large group of Nepalis who passed by during our lunch. “Very noisy. Bed late, up early. Two a.m.!” Having not encountered any trekking Nepalis on the trail to date, we had nothing to which to compare. We ended up ahead of them on the trail and never saw them again.
Dreadful up hill.
Managed to beat off the hoteliers in order to walk through town to check it out. Ended up choosing the same lodge as the two Canadians (different people than from Langtang Valley), whom we had also encountered in Laurabina Yak, and we exchanged stories and heckling.
Also of note were the three Nepalis in their mid-thirties who joined us for the night at the guesthouse. These were not the noisy ones the proprietor of yesterday’s lunch spot had warned us against, but Mark did have an interaction with one of them that left a sour taste in his mouth. What to do?
Life on the trail has settled into a familiar rhythm: Breakfast. Walk, walk, walk. Snack. Walk, walk, walk. Lunch. Walk, walk, walk. Snack. Walk, walk, walk. Collapse. Dinner. Play cards/knit/read. Sleep. Repeat.
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